The Shell Centre for Mathematics Education

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The Shell Centre for Mathematics Education

The Shell Centre for Mathematics Education has a long tradition of innovative work on mathematics education. The Berkeley group has partnered with the Shell Centre since the early 1990s, with our first joint products being the Balanced Assessment packages – collections of assessments aimed at supporting rich mathematics instruction across the K-12 spectrum. modules, for mathematics assessments consistent with the NCTM Standards. Joint projects have included the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service, The Mathematics Assessment Project, and The Mathematics Improvement Network (MathNIC).

As described in the Tools section of this website, products of our joint collaborations include the Formative Assessment Lessons and a range of tests and other materials supporting powerful instruction.

The Shell Centre’s main web page contains links to its main projects and partners. A range of publications including classic classroom materials such as The Language of Functions and Graphs and recent research papers are available for download from Shell Centre Publications.

Next page: The Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative